
Insulin pump treatment for Childhood diabetes


People with type 1 diabetes and type 2 generally have to take insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. Presently, there are two options i.e. injecting it with a needle, or using an insulin pump. Basically, an insulin pump is a small computerized device that delivers insulin through a thin tube that goes under the skin.

How does insulin pump work?

This device releases insulin similar to the way your body naturally would. For instance, a steady flow throughout the day and night named as basal insulin while an extra dose at mealtime called a bolus. This phenomenon handles the rising blood sugar from the food you eat. You need to program a larger bolus to cover the carbs in your food. A bolus is considered to bring down the high blood sugar at other times, too.

The pump is basically the size of a smartphone. You need to attach this to your body using an infusion set. Which can either be a thin plastic tubing, a needle or a small tapered tube called a cannula that we basically put under the skin. The place probably where you put it in i.e. your belly, buttock or thigh is called the infusion site. Some insulin pumps come with inserters for easier placement even in hard to reach areas.

In general, insulin pumps use rapid-acting and short-acting insulin, but not long-acting because the pump is programmed to deliver a small amount continuously to keep your blood sugar levels moderate.

Benefits of an insulin Pump

  • An insulin pump requires just one insertion every few days when you change the infusion set, therefore, you will need fewer needle sticks.
  • An insulin pump is more accurate than shots, thus help you better manage blood sugar levels.
  • If you often experience hypoglycemia, you will have fewer blood sugar lows.
  • It helps in improving the A1c levels.
  • Dosing before and after meals and snacks becomes easier.
  • You can plan exercise easily
  • Bolus also becomes easier
  • It also helps in managing the early morning high blood sugar called the dawn phenomenon.

For precaution, you should always have regular injectable insulin on hand in case the pump stops working.

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